Considered one of the most innovative research directions computational intelligence CI embraces techniques that use global search optimization machine learning approximate reasoning and connectionist systems to develop efficient robust and easy-to-use solutions... Lees meer.
Feedback control systems is an important course in aerospace engineering chemical engineering electrical engineering mechanical engineering and mechatronics engineering to name just a few. Feedback control systems is an important course in aerospace engineering... Lees meer.
This book introduces electrical machine modeling and control for electrical engineering and science to graduate undergraduate students as well as researchers who are working on modeling and control of electrical machines. It targets electrical engineering students who... Lees meer.
These days nearly all the engineering problem are solved with the aid of suitable computer packages. This book shows how MATLAB Simulink could be used to solve state-space control problems. In this book it is assumed that you are familiar with the theory and concepts... Lees meer.
The book discusses the modeling of electric drives taking into account their relationship with the technological process they serve which significantly affects the composition layout and characteristics of the electric drive. The chapters of this book discuss the... Lees meer.
This textbook provides a compact but comprehensive treatment that guides students through applied numerical analysis using MATLAB Simulink . Ideal as a hands-on source for courses in Numerical Analysis this text focuses on solving problems using market-standard softwa... Lees meer.
The ultimate goal of the Control engineer is to design feedback systems also called controllers that force the plant to conform to a desired behavior. Moreover feedback can achieve the specification even with disturbances and imprecise knowledge of the plant. One cla... Lees meer.
Die Beschreibung von Hardware hat sich in den letzten dreissig Jahren stark gewandelt. Im Jahr 1975 wurden digitale Schaltungen mit Hilfe von Transistor-Transistor-Logik TTL -Bausteinen realisiert. Mit der Verbreitung von PLDs erhielten verschiedene Beschreibungssprach... Lees meer.
The author uses his extensive classroom experience to guide students toward deeper understanding of key concepts while they gain facility with software they will need to master for later studies and practical use in their engineering careers. This textbook provides a... Lees meer.
Very often PLCs are used for the realization of big plants in industrial industry where also controller applications appear. According to the standard EN 61131-3 the program languages instruction list IL ladder diagram LD function block diagram FBD sequential func... Lees meer.