Professor Tom Gage portrays eight modern educators and the development of their theories viewed from personal cultural and historical perspectives. He links their ideas to those of Fethullah G len a highly influential educator of today who draws on an entirely differ... Lees meer.
Kemet Egypt 2966 B.C.E. Alone in the desert without even a pair of sandals to her name Lunja joins a caravan bound for the largest outpost in the western desert. The best she can hope for is a life of service while hiding the secret that has haunted her family for... Lees meer.
Esta publicacin-ilustrada Cuentos del Caravanserai se compone de los varios relatos y de las mltiples experiencias fantasas y dibujos en sus recorridos por tierras de oriente presentados por aquellos viajeros que atraviesan estas regiones en esa caravana interminable... Lees meer.
Her grandmother s dying words launch Serafina on a quest to find her unknown father. Unable to accept the love of a childhood friend she nevertheless accepts his company on her journey but what they discover may lead to a quick trip to an enemy prison.... Lees meer.
Professor Tom Gage portrays eight modern educators and the development of their theories viewed from personal cultural and historical perspectives. He links their ideas to those of Fethullah G len a highly influential educator of today who draws on an entirely differ... Lees meer.