Diatomee naarde bestaat uit 150 miljoen jaar oude eencellige schelpdiertjes met een skelet van bijna 100 silicium en nog 15 andere sporenelementen. Onder de microscoop bekeken lijkt het op glassplinters. Diatomee naarde bindt door zijn structuur enorm veel vocht en he... Lees meer.
Natuurlijke kiezelgoer. de waterabsorberende en sneldrogende badkamermat is gemaakt van natuurlijk silicagoremmateriaal met sterke wateropname. Om je een groen nieuw leven te bieden is het een must voor je badkamer Antislip. het onderste antislipontwerp minimaliseer... Lees meer.
Diatoms have great significance in the forensic science and its practical application in the field of crime investigation. Death caused by drowning can be scientifically established by investigation of presence of diatoms in the bone marrow of the death person. A large... Lees meer.
DIATOM MICROSCOPY The main goal of the book is to demonstrate the wide variety of microscopy methods being used to investigate natural and altered diatom structures. This book on Diatom Microscopy gives an introduction to the wide panoply of microscopy methods being use... Lees meer.
The temporal and spatial distribution patterns of diatoms colonising artificial substrates were used to develop a model indicating different levels of degradation in urban streams of the Swan River Perth Western Australia. Diatom and algal based matrices were used to... Lees meer.
Diatoms are unicellular photosynthetic algae which constitute the most important and dominant fraction of marine phytoplankton. They are primary producers forming the basic link in the marine pelagic food chain. They also help mitigate the global warming effect through... Lees meer.
A unique book presenting the range of silica structures formed by diatoms theories and hypotheses of how they are made and applications to nanotechnology by use or imitation of diatom morphogenesis. There are up to 200 000 species of diatoms each species of these alg... Lees meer.
During the last few years lake acidification has become a topic of international interest because of the detrimental effects of this problem on lake ecosystems. Because many diatom taxa are sensitive indicators of lakewater pH this approach is especially useful in ass... Lees meer.
In the so-called High-Nutrient Low-Chlorophyll HNLC regions there are high amounts of basic nutrients such as carbon nitrate phosphate and silicate but low phytoplankton productivity. Studies have shown that iron Fe is a limiting nutrient and the research in t... Lees meer.