This study focuses on the rich variety of types of Tibetan Buddhist discourse. It brings to bear the methodological insights of contemporary human sciences and at the same time offers to non-specialist readers an impression of the broad domain of Tibetan religious and... Lees meer.
Due to significant processes of transnationalization in the European context a considerable relevance of potential social and political conflicts or disagreements in everyday life linked to Europe or the European Union can be observed. Consequently the focus of this b... Lees meer.
L Union europ enne est embourb e depuis une dizaine d ann es dans une crise de l gitimit majeure. Ce livre analyse les tensions permanentes qui travaillent le continent unifi . Objet politique non identifiable par bon nombre de citoyens ordinaires et loin de susciter... Lees meer.
Due to significant processes of transnationalization in the European context a considerable relevance of potential social and political conflicts or disagreements in everyday life linked to Europe or the European Union can be observed. Due to significant processes of... Lees meer.
Qui est le chef du P.C. belge prochinois . Qu est-ce que la R.C. le C.R.I.U. les J.C.R. les Cent artistes les Cent chr tiens les Cent crivains et artistes . D o venaient les pseudo-Katangais de la Sorbonne . Quel r le pr cis ont jou les id es de Mar... Lees meer.
Assesses the factors that contribute to regime resilience in Syria and Iran exploring their flexibility and their constraints as they confront unprecedented challenges. The developments of early 2011 changes the political landscape of the Middle East. But even as u... Lees meer.
Despite the increase in the number of studies in international relations using concepts from a role theory perspective scholarship continues to assume that a state s own expectations of what role it should play on the world stage is shared among domestic political acto... Lees meer.
By merging studies of architecture Olympic venues graphic design Olympic emblems product design mascots fashion stage and event design Jilly Traganou examines the relationship between design and national identity through a comprehensive overview of the multiface... Lees meer.
The proliferation of pipelines to transport oil and natural gas represents a major area of contestation in the landscape of energy development. The proliferation of pipelines to transport oil and natural gas represents a major area of contestation in the landscape of e... Lees meer.
This book explores and challenges the concept and experience of liminality as applied to critical perspectives in the study of events. It will be of interest to researchers in event studies social and discursive psychology cultural and political sociology and social... Lees meer.
La question centrale de cet ouvrage porte sur le r le jou par la puissance br silienne dans son espace r gional et la mani re dont elle participe la construction d un nouveau sch ma int grationniste. L auteur s attache aussi comprendre la place occup e par le sous-... Lees meer.
We offer in this book a collection of chapters that reflect a broad range of issues linking globalization to education in an accessible yet theoretically grounded and detailed form. The authors analyze phenomena on the global plane in local spaces and in the connectio... Lees meer.
Through the analysis of Indian metropolises this volume critiques the reality of entrepreneurial governance that has emerged as a major urban development practice in cities of the global south. In neoliberal India the use of management rhetoric in urban development... Lees meer.