Geranium cantabrigiense Karmina of Ooievaarsbek is een halfwintergroene vaste plant met een compacte bodembedekkende groei. De groene bladeren zijn gelobd en kleuren mooi rood en oranje in de herfst. Deze geranium bloeit rijkelijk in juni en juli met karmijnroze to... Lees meer.
6x Kruipend Geranium Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo - 10-25 cm 9 cm - Ideaal voor borders en als bodembedekker De Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo is een prachtige laagblijvende en kruipende plant die een volgroeide hoogte van ongeveer 30 cm kan bereiken. Deze vee... Lees meer.
Excerpt from Alumni Cantabrigienses Vol. 5. A Biographical List of All Known Students Graduates and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge From the Earliest Times to 1900 The publication of this volume completes Part I of the Alumni the fact that it conta... Lees meer.
The Athenae Cantabrigienses was the most ambitious of several large writing projects undertaken by Charles Henry Cooper a keen historian successful lawyer and town clerk of Cambridge in the mid-nineteenth century. He enlisted the help of his elder son Thompson Cooper... Lees meer.
The Venns father and son published this ten-part work containing over 125 000 entries between 1922 and 1954. It is a comprehensive directory of all known alumni of the University of Cambridge listed in two alphabetical sequences from the university s foundation in... Lees meer.
The Venns father and son published this ten-part work containing over 125 000 entries between 1922 and 1954. It is a comprehensive directory of all known alumni of the University of Cambridge listed in two alphabetical sequences from the university s foundation in... Lees meer.
The Venns father and son published this ten-part work containing over 125 000 entries between 1922 and 1954. It is a comprehensive directory of all known alumni of the University of Cambridge listed in two alphabetical sequences from the university s foundation in... Lees meer.