Air Force leadership has ordered the development of an Enterprise Resource Planning ERP system called the Expeditionary Combat Support System ECSS . Many current jobs and positions will be streamlined restructured or removed while some will certainly be created to... Lees meer.
Numerosos expertos afirman que la superacion de la crisis actual y la mejora de la competitividad pasa por convertir a la innovacion en la palanca de un nuevo modelo de crecimiento economico. Para afrontar con exito este reto gobiernos y organizaciones reconocen la nec... Lees meer.
148. Returning to our door at Pisa we shall find these general questions as to the distribution of ornament much confused with others as to its time and style. We are at once for instance brought to a pause as to the degree in which the ornamentation was once carried... Lees meer.
Covers the history and practical applications that addresses the events and conditions that precede challenging behaviors. This book features prominent authors recognized for their expertise in behavioral support. They discuss the research and the applications of antece... Lees meer.
El estudio del proceso de formacion de los abogados en la Nueva Granada permite conocer el grado de influencia que tuvo la ilustracion europea en la formacion del Derecho. El periodo analizado comienza en 1774 con el plan de estudios del Fiscal de la Corona espanola An... Lees meer.
Electronic Customer Relationship Management E-CRM performance is a marketing strategy and integrated approach to identifying acquiring and retaining valuable customers by enabling organizations to manage and coordinate customer interactions across multiple channels... Lees meer.
En este trabajo se estudian los motivos literarios coincidentes que se encuentran en apocrifos eslavos como el Apocalipsis de Abrahan la Vision de San Pablo o el Apocalipsis de la Virgen Maria por un lado y por otro en el Coran y en los tratados escatologicos islam... Lees meer.