The Plague of Milan c. 1680 is commonly called an oratorio but is best described as a motet. The text a description of the charitable acts of the Bishop of Milan during the bubonic plague of 1576 is based on Charpentier s holograph manuscript and includes a full sco... Lees meer.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and. L nder - Mittelalter Fr he Neuzeit Note. 3 0 Universit t Stuttgart Historisches Institut Veranstaltung. Kaiser Heinrich IV. 1065-1106 Sprache. Deutsch Abstract. Der Investiturstreit de... Lees meer.
Ambrosius Totenreden fur die Kaiser Valentinian II. und Theodosius I. werden in einer die handschriftliche Uberlieferung in ihrer Breite berucksichtigenden Edition vorgelegt. Da in einigen Codices gemeinsam mit diesen beiden Kaiserreden auch d... Lees meer.
CSEL 107 the second part of the critical edition of Ambrose s Orationes funebres contains the two speeches that Ambrose held when his brother Satyrus died. the first he gave at the funeral the second seven days afterward as an extensive treatis... Lees meer.