This book explores the application of algorithms to such methods as automatic simplification polynomial decomposition and polynomial factorization. This book includes complexity analysis of algorithms and other recent developments. It is well-suited for self-study and... Lees meer.
Contains the proceedings of the AMS Short Course on Chaos and Fractals held during the AMS Centennial Celebration in Providence Rhode Island in August 1988. This title covers topics such as dynamical systems theory Julia sets the Mandelbrot set attractors the Smal... Lees meer.
This Text Book is designed to meet the requirements of the under graduate students of B.Sc Computer Science B.C.A. B.Sc CT and post graduate students of M.C.A. M.Sc Computer Science and Computer Technologies. This text is for beginners as well as experts who wi... Lees meer.
This book approaches mathematics based on the needs of computer science students teaching logic by means of the method of semantic tableaux. The third edition is entirely rewritten and includes new chapters on SAT solvers and model checking. Mathematical Logic for C... Lees meer.
This book shows you the progress of mathematics and its uses over time. Readers will clearly see how business engineering economics physics and other fields contributed to the development of mathematics and conversely how these areas have evolved because of this.... Lees meer.
Consensus methods developed in the context of voting decision making and other areas of the social and behavioral sciences have a variety of applications in the biological sciences. Based on two DIMACS working group meetings on bioconsensus this book provides an int... Lees meer.
For researchers exposure to the state of the art of research works leads to an overall view of the entire field so as to guide new research directions and avoid pitfalls in moving the field forward and looking into the next decades of imaging and information services.... Lees meer.
This book discusses the interplay of stochastics applied probability theory and numerical analysis in the field of quantitative finance. The stochastic models numerical valuation techniques computational aspects financial products and risk management applications... Lees meer.
The twenty-first century has seen a breathtaking expansion of statistical methodology both in scope and influence. Data science and machine learning have become familiar terms in the news as statistical methods are brought to bear upon the enormous data sets of mo... Lees meer.
This book discusses the interplay of stochastics applied probability theory and numerical analysis in the field of quantitative finance. The stochastic models numerical valuation techniques computational aspects financial products and risk management applications... Lees meer.
One reason for writing this book is born of our hope that we might draw together Mathematics Educators and mathematics educators and assist both communities in recognising that there are insights that might be derived from each other. This book is the culmination of... Lees meer.
This self-contained introduction to modern cryptography emphasizes the mathematics behind the theory of public key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes. The book focuses on these key topics while developing the mathematical tools needed for the construction and s... Lees meer.
Striking a nice balance between mathematical rigor and engineering-oriented applications this second edition covers the bedrock parts of classical control theory - the Routh-Hurwitz theorem and applications Nyquist diagrams Bode plots root locus plots and the desig... Lees meer.
Many applications as in computer vision or medicine aim at identifying the similarities between several images or signals. Thereafter it is possible to detect objects to follow them or to overlap different pictures. In every case the algorithmic procedures that tr... Lees meer.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science introduces students to the discrete mathematics needed later in their Computer Science coursework with theory of computation topics interleaved throughout. Students learn about mathematical concepts just in time to apply them... Lees meer.