Microwave Transmission Line Impedance Data is a unique book presenting design equations and graphs for calculation of the characteristic impedance of transmission lines of widely varied configurations.... Lees meer.
Les antennes du type monopole sont largement utilisees dans les systemes de communications radio mobiles a cause de leurs caracteristiques de rayonnement omnidirectif en plan horizontal. Nous nous interessons plus particulierement au cas des monopoles proches les uns d... Lees meer.
Ce deuxi me volume d Exercices de cin tique lectrochimique est consacr la m thode d imp dance l une des principales m thodes exp rimentales d tude du comportement dynamique des r actions lectrochimiques. L utilisation de cette m thode est en plein d veloppement da... Lees meer.
The study of normal impedance of perforated plate acoustic liners including the effect of bias flow was studied. Two impedance models were developed by modeling the internal flows of perforate orifices as infinite tubes with the inclusion of end corrections to handle fi... Lees meer.
Reference values on percent body fat are essential in fitness programmes in identifying variations of body fat from normal and in clinical assessment of overweight and obesity. Accurate evaluation of the presence of excessive body fat is an important step to initiate pr... Lees meer.
The book is divided in 4 parts. In the first one the importance of the analysis of the cardiac dynamics using the ambulatory monitoring technique is presented. The second part contains the description of foundations of impedance cardiography ICG the models used to d... Lees meer.
An antenna with a self-complementary structure has a constant input impedance independent of the source frequency and of the shape of the structure. An antenna with a self-complementary structure has a constant input impedance independent of the source frequency an... Lees meer.
The intention set for this book is to formulate a few topologies with enhanced voltage boost while drawing continuous input current. To further reduce the device switching stress and improve the output waveform quality a series of impedance-source NPC inverters based... Lees meer.
L antenne dans les terminaux des systemes de communications sans fil est liee a l amplificateur de puissance et a l amplificateur de faible bruit a travers un duplexeur ou un commutateur. On sait que l impedance d entree de l antenne subit des variations dues a l envi... Lees meer.
Cement-based materials are by far the most important building materials. Microstructure study of cement-based materials has aroused a vast concern all over the world. This book discusses three issues of microstructure study. 1 the hydration process monitoring of cemen... Lees meer.
This book covers fundamental aspects and application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS with emphasis on step-by-step procedure for mechanistic analysis of data including detailed illustrations of how to validate the impedance spectra use equivalent circui... Lees meer.
The main focus of this work is the novel use of impedance spectroscopy as a tool for single cell analysis. Impedance spectroscopy is a non-invasive label-free analytical technique that has found widespread use in disparate scientific and technological fields but unt... Lees meer.