Are Yeast Infections Making Your Life Miserable?
You should not have to endure the distressing symptoms of yeast infections for weeks or months—or even years!—when effective medical care and self-help protocols are available. Overcoming Yeast Infections presents accurate, scientific information about candidiasis of skin and mucous membranes in women, men, and children. It covers subjects not mentioned in other Candida books, and cites more than 500 controlled studies. By following this ten-step program, you can conquer Candida infections and related yeast allergies:
Request Diagnostic Tests Obtain Antifungal Treatments Observe Precautions Use Anti-inflammatory Drugs Test and Treat Candida Allergy Avoid Risk Factors Make Lifestyle Changes Follow the Candida Diet Take Oral Probiotics Obtain Antifungal ProphylaxisPatients routinely ask why their doctors refuse to test and treat them for Candida. The answer is that academic skeptics, who were uninformed about the clinical studies of intestinal candidiasis discussed in "The Hall of Fame" (Chapter 5), wrote negative statements denying the existence of the yeast syndrome. These negative statements, discussed in "The Hall of Shame" (Chapter 6), were based only on opinions, not data. Yet, they influenced community-based physicians to deny patients who needed medical care for chronic candidiasis.
After reading this book, you will have confidence to enlist your doctors' support in your battle against Candida. Doctors will appreciate the evidence-based research in Overcoming Yeast Infections that justifies ordering necessary tests and prescribing effective treatments.