The term Fairy covers all kinds of nature spirits, not just the tiny sugar sweet creatures hovering around flowers. A unique and impressive book on this subject, published in a revised 2 volume-edition. No wiccan or pagan can afford to leave these books unopened. About Elves, Dwarfs, Kobolds, Trolls, Changelings, Meremaids, Nisses, Fairies, Brownies, Puck and other Elemental spirits all over the world.
The Fairy world of Northern Europe and Germany The term “Fairy” covers all kinds of nature spirits and Elementals all over the world. Not just the tiny sugar sweet creatures hovering around flowers. Thomas Keightley collected an impressive amount of mostly European, and nowadays often “extinct” folklorist data on these invisible realm’s inhabitants, and compiled these in Fairy Mythology (1870). In its revised edition, this massive work of over 800 pages, is republished in two volumes to meet modern reading standards. Volume 2 covers the Fairy-lore of the British Isles, Ireland, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and some Jewish and African lore. Volume 1 deals extensively with Scandinavia, Iceland, Feroer, the Orkneys, Shetland Islands, Rugen, Germany and Switserland. In volume 1 the origins of the term Fairy are traced and oriental and medieval romance, Eddas and Sagas, are examined before we explore Fairy-species as Elle-maids, Trolls, Nisses, Elves, Dwarfs, Necks, Mermaids, Nixes, Heinzelmänchen, Watermen or Wassermänchen, Hödeken, Changeling, Wild women and Little people. An invaluable work of resource for those interested in old European folklore or nature magic.