Narasimha jayantī is a prominent parva that comes after akshaya tṛtīya in the month of vaiśākha. To fecilitate the devotees to have the experience of the glory of one of the important incarnations of Mahāvishṇu, the great sages of Sanātana Arya Bhārata who were jnānavijnāna tṛptātmas have marked this as a nodal day in the body (form) of the almighty in the form of time. It is a great day which is auspicious, holy and the day which reminds (us) of the all pervasivenss and unequalled jnāna, bala, aiśvarya, śakti, vīrya, tejas and the motherly affection and love of that God towards devotees. It is a day in which the rituals are performed with great devotion in all the places in India where the Upāsana of Vishṇu and especially of Lord Narasimha is in vogue in the homes of devotees, who worship Lord Narasimha as either their family deity or a tutelary deity, and in maṭhas, āshramas and in temples. It is the day when his upāsana is taken up with austereness, both with the fear that any apacāra (an offence) to God may chance, and with devotion combined with great and full confidence that he will receive the upacāras with great affection. Some Śaivas also worship Lord Narasimha on that day.