The Nāgapañcami occupies an important place in the traditions brought forth by the sanātana Āryabhāratīya Maharshis, This is even considered by some as one of the supreme parvas, in place of Akshaya tṛtīyā. This parva is observed in all parts of this country by people belonging to all sects, creeds and philosophical systems. Though there are differences in the modalities of observance, all of them observe this with great devotion, faith and religious fervor. We see that this vrata is being observed by all, except by those who have a vow not to observe kāmya vratas and those who are devoted to only one deity like Śiva, Vishṇu etc. Even such Ekadevopāsakas (devoted to a single god) sometimes observe this as a kāmyavrata. People observe this vrata with the desires such as - "Let not serpents bite us, Let the peril from poison be averted. Let us have progeny. Let us be bestowed with wealth. Let us be free from skin diseases. Let us attain heaven", Etc.,. This vrata is also observed with the objective of awakening Kunḍalini i.e. Prāṇaśakti for the early phalasiddhi (results) in yogābhyāsa. As the name of the vrata itself clearly states, the deity that is specially worshipped on this day is Nāgadevatā.