It is a painstaking study on Empowerment of women with a focus on Economic Empowerment of Women. The concept of 'Empowerment' in India in the earlier days focused mainly on economic empowerment. This study brings out the empowerment aspect using the traditional activity of women - dairying. The Dairy development as a tool of economic empowerment emerged first in Gujarat. Among the southern states, Andhra Pradesh is a leader in Dairying activity. The author has rightly chosen a comparative study of dairy development as a means of Economic Empowerment of women taking Anand district in Gujarat and Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh. This pioneering study leads the way for many future studies where the traditional occupation of women like agriculture and sericulture can be used as a tool for empowering women economically. The economic empowerment leads the way to social empowerment and political empowerment.