
My friend freddie english edition

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Cult director Rudi Dolezal, awarded at the Grammys for his film "Freddie Mercury - The Untold Story", has won numerous international film, music and TV awards and has filmed stars from all over the world: The Rolling Stones, Whitney Houston, Lionel Richie, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Falco, and many more. From the very beginning, Dolezal had a very special relationship with Freddie Mercury and Queen, for whom he directed a total of 32 music videos. In his book "My Friend Freddie" Rudi Dolezal tells stories he has never told before. He guides the reader from beginning to end, starting with the unusual start of a friendship that was to last a lifetime. He talks about many private moments, including the last time Freddie stood in front of a camera. In front of his camera.

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Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: E-book

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 30 augustus 2022

Ebook Formaat: Adobe ePub

Hoofdauteur: Rudi Dolezal

Hoofduitgeverij: Tredition

Eerste Vertaler: Christine Hohlbaum

Lees dit ebook op: Desktop (Mac en Windows)

Lees dit ebook op: Kobo e-reader

Lees dit ebook op: Android (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: iOS (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Windows (smartphone en tablet)

Editie: 1

Studieboek: Nee

EAN: 9783347717480