
Havana year zero

Foto: Havana year zero
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
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Sex, lies, and scientific history collide in 1993 Havana.

It was as if we’d reached the minimum critical point of a mathematical curve. Imagine a parabola. Zero point down, at the bottom of an abyss. That’s how low we sank.

The year is 1993. Cuba is at the height of the Special Period, a widespread economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet bloc.For Julia, a mathematics lecturer who hates teaching, this is Year Zero: the lowest possible point. But a way out appears: the search for a missing document that will prove the telephone was invented in Havana, secure her reputation, and give Cuba a purpose once more. What begins as an investigation into scientific history becomes a tangle of sex, friendship, family legacies, and the intricacies of how people find ways to survive in a country at its lowest ebb.

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It was as if we d reached the minimum critical point of a mathematical curve imagine a parabola zero point down at the bottom of an abyss that s how low we sank the year is 1993 cuba is at the height of the special period a widespread economic crisis following the collapse of the soviet bloc Uiterlijk 14 maart in huis .. MEER INFO

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Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: E-book

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 23 februari 2021

Ebook Formaat: Adobe ePub

Hoofdauteur: Karla Suárez

Hoofduitgeverij: Charco Press

Eerste Vertaler: Christina Macsweeney

Lees dit ebook op: Android (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Kobo e-reader

Lees dit ebook op: Desktop (Mac en Windows)

Lees dit ebook op: iOS (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Windows (smartphone en tablet)

Studieboek: Nee

EAN: 9781913867010