Ground-breaking new ideas drawn from recent astronomical discoveries in the outer solar system. Several new celestial objects that behave somewhat like Chiron have been catalogued, and officially named 'Centaurs'. This compilation presents new material on the meaning of the orbital cycle of Chiron, and a summary and elaboration of astrological research to date on Pholus, the second Centaur. In addition, original material on the third Centaur, 1992HA2, 'Nessus' is included, explored here in depth for the first time, before it was officially named. The meaning of the Chiron and the Centaurs is re-contextualised, and an ephemeris for Chiron, Pholus and Nessus is included, as well as several explanatory diagrams. All technical material was specially computed by master programmer Dieter Koch. Here, the reader can participate in a seminar where seed ideas were being expressed for the first time, and which have been eagerly embraced by astrologers whose work concerns the depth realms of the psyche.
Chiron and the Centaurs are the significators of processes of healing and transformation which occur deep within the soul, and which partake of the 'Underworld' dimension of Pluto. The astronomical discoveries which are discussed in the book were further elaborated in their symbolism when Pluto was 'de-moted' from planet status in 2006. The Kuiper Belt, where Chiron and the Centaurs were said to have originated, is the home of Pluto and thus represents a kind of 'celestial Underworld'. These Minor Planets signify the kind of awareness which is able to 'see in the dark' and which helps us differentiate our experiences of the 'Underworld' realms – the ancestral field, the collective unconscious, other-dimensional experiences, and the pre- and peri-natal realms.
With their transits, these Minor Planets offer an extraordinary level of precision as they symbolise, signify and accompany our healing journey.