A collection of three thrilling mysteries, set during the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, where every story promises a 'Thousand Thrills!', with ingenious plots, full of twists and surprises, driven along with exciting action and tongue in cheek humour.
“Murder mysteries always work well as spoken word and Mr Punch’s Thriller Playhouse is particularly good... Atmospheric and Great Fun ” Daily Express
*“*Good News... Simon Callow stars as the blind detective, Max Carrados, Lionel Jeffries as his servant and ‘eyes’, Parkinson.” Sunday Times – Gillian Reynolds Choice
Our blind hero, Max Carrados, who can read a newspaper headline with the touch of his fingers and shoot a villain by aiming at the sound of his beating heart is joined by his trusty servant Parkinson (his 'eyes') in 3 episodes from the popular BBC Radio drama series 'Thriller Playhouse'.
The Eyes of Max Carrados The Secret of Headlam Height. The Ingenious Mind of Mr Rigby LacksomeAlso available as part of the THRILLER PLAYHOUSE BOX SET, eight episodes featuring Max Carrados, Norman Conquest and Ben from the popular BBC Drama series.
Simon Callow as Max Carrados
Lionel Jeffries as Parkinson
Philip Glenister, Teresa Gallagher, Charles Simpson, Brett Usher, Stephen Tompkinson, Lynsey Baxter, Matthew Marsh, Marianne Morley, Michael Beint, David Bannerman, Steve Hodson, Kathryn Pogson & full supporting cast.
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