
A short history of the wars of the roses

Foto: A short history of the wars of the roses
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 101.36
Rating: 5/5
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The Wars of the Roses (c. 1455-1487) are renowned as an infamously savage and tangled slice of English history. A bloody thirty-year struggle between the dynastic houses of Lancaster and York, they embraced localised vendetta (such as the bitter northern feud between the Percies and Nevilles) as well as the formal clash of royalist and rebel armies at St Albans, Ludford Bridge, Mortimer's Cross, Towton, Tewkesbury and finally Bosworth, when the usurping Yorkist king, Richard III, was crushed by Henry Tudor. Powerful personalities dominate the period: the charismatic and enigmatic Richard III, immortalized by Shakespeare; the slippery Warwick, the Kingmaker', who finally over-reached ambition to be cut down at the Battle of Barnet; and guileful women like Elizabeth Woodville and Margaret of Anjou, who for a time ruled the kingdom in her husband's stead. David Grummitt places the violent events of this complex time in the wider context of fifteenth-century kingship and the development of English political culture.Never losing sight of the traumatic impact of war on the lives of those who either fought in or were touched by battle, this captivating new history will make compelling reading for students of the late medieval period and Tudor England, as well as for general readers.

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Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: Hardcover

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 30 oktober 2012

Aantal pagina's: 212

Illustraties: Nee

Hoofdauteur: David Grummitt

Hoofduitgeverij: Palgrave Macmillan

Extra groot lettertype: Nee

Product breedte: 138 mm

Product hoogte: 20 mm

Product lengte: 216 mm

Studieboek: Ja

Verpakking breedte: 152 mm

Verpakking hoogte: 25 mm

Verpakking lengte: 229 mm

Verpakkingsgewicht: 340 g

EAN: 9781848858749