“Flying Lessons for Leaders and Managers” is an engaging series of essays on leadership and experiences from a nearly 40 year management career in public service. Mr. Nordby is a second generation city manager with a gift for storytelling and humor. Managing a public organization is often a lot like piloting an airplane: handling headwinds, crosswinds and the occasional tailwind while maintaining situational awareness and navigating your organization to reach its destination.
Through his own management experiences and observations, coming of age in the home of his city manager father, the author provides insight and inspiration for anyone in a leadership position, whether in the public or private sector.
During a career in public management the author found value in using storytelling to illustrate a point or to empathize with others. These are some of his stories.
This volume of anecdotes on the profession of public management has been assembled from the author’s contributions to various publications of the Municipal Research and Services Center and Public Management, the journal of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). The title, “ Flying Lessons for Leaders and Managers” is taken from one of the articles.
The author gratefully thanks MRSC and ICMA for permission to reuse material originally published by them.