This is a E-book, there are in total 8 Practise exam, based on updated textbook of 2021 July.
each practise exam contains 150 questions and you need to finish it in 210 minutes (3.5 hours)
you can choose to purchase 2 practise exam , 4 sets of practise exam or all 8 practise exams.
please note, if you got purchased practise exams in Udemy already, then please do not purchase here. as they are the same.
about the exam:
The APICS CSCP training teaches professionals to integrate and manage the activities of the production and distribution chains.
The influence of supply chain management on business operations is still increasing. New developments are occurring in all industries, from industrial to service-oriented and from profit to non-profit. Customers expect high quality for a low price, but they also increasingly value fast and reliable delivery of products and services. As a result, effective production and distribution chains are essential to face global competition. With APICS CSCP training, you will learn to deal with these developments.
Target audience
The CSCP certificate is suitable for professionals who work in the field of production control and supply chain management and who want to further professionalize in their field.
This CSCP is very suitable for employees who:
Want to develop a vision on the relationship between supply chain and strategic choices
Want to have a look at changing functions such as purchasing
Want to be aware of the integral concepts that have been developed for the work area
Want to contribute to better cooperation with other partners in the chain
Need background knowledge to steer changes in the supply chain
Want to set up or implement a supply chain strategy in a joint process
Advising on the design of new customer-oriented service concepts
Being able to contribute to successful supply chain strategies from the customer's perspective
Why choose CSCP?
The benefits of an APICS CSCP certification for the student and the employer.
Benefits supply chain professional
You can manage supply chain operations more effectively and efficiently with the help of suppliers, factories, carriers and customers
APICS CSCP is in demand in international business
Better career opportunities within the organization
Gain recognition from your peers and within your industry
Employer benefits
A positive effect on lead times, inventories, productivity and profitability
Significantly improve productivity, collaboration and innovation
Improving the competitive position through shorter delivery times and thus the profitability of your organization
Required prior knowledge
The following prior knowledge is required for the APICS CSCP training:
a completed education at bachelor degree level or
a completed APICS course CPIM, CFPIM, CLTD, CIRM, CPM, SCOR-P, CSM or CPSM or
Minimum 3 years of experience in logistics or supply chain management.
Good English reading skills are required as the exam and study materials are in English. The exam is conducted in English. A dictionary is allowed during the exam.