"Ninjutsu and Magic" from 1909 is Gingetsu Itoh's first foray into Ninjutsu research. Originally serialized in the Asahi Newspaper in Japan, it was later published in book format. Long out of print and sought after by collectors, this is the first time it has been translated since it was originally published over a century ago.The book contains three supplemental sections containing research on Ninjutsu, Yojutsu and accounts of Jujutsu/Judo practitioners versus western boxers. The Ninjutsu section contains numerous articles about Ninjutsu from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. There are passages on the Koga Ninja and the Shoninki by Eiji Yoshikawa, as well as numerous others. The section on Yojutsu reproduces an illustrated story of Tenjiku Tokubei, a famous practitioner of Yojutsu magic.