The National Medical Association has championed efforts in eliminating health care disparities and stigma, while promoting reform since its inception. As a physician and educator, I know that information on these subjects is vital for todays medical school students to have at their fingertips. I believe this book can help make the entire medical community more responsive to these concerns.
Cedric Bright, MD
Assistant Dean of Admissions
Director of Special Programs
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Immediate Past NMA President, 2011
This book goes a long way to exposing the stigmas and misconceptions about ethnic minorities and other diverse groups that leads to poor health outcomes. Dr. Bailey is uniquely qualified to define the problems inherent in our health care system that perpetuates these stereotypes and to propose solutions. Dr. Bailey starts a conversation that America must finish if everyone is to get quality health care.
Michael LeNoir, MD
CEO, Ethnic Health America Network
Director, Bay Area Multicultural Clinical Research & Prevention Center
Incoming NMA President, 2013