
Insurrection trilogy 2 renegade

Foto: Insurrection trilogy 2 renegade
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 4.49
Rating: 5/5
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The second book in the Insurrection trilogy, which tells the thrilling story of Robert the Bruce.

King Edward I of England marches on Scotland, inspired by an Arthurian prophecy and aiming to unite the British Isles under a single crown.

One man alone can thwart Edward's plan. But on the run in Ireland, hunted by a relentless assassin, Robert Bruce seems a long way from achieving his ambition.

Born to a line of kings, Robert will not bow to a conqueror. Robert finds that to survive he must abandon everything he holds dear. He was always prepared to die on the battlefield - but who else must he sacrifice to keep his hopes alive?

Renegade is a dazzling story of conspiracy and divided loyalties, battle and betrayal, and a superb portrait of the medieval world.

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Insurrection Trilogy 2 Renegade
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Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: E-book

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 30 augustus 2012

Aantal pagina's: 448

Ebook Formaat: Adobe ePub

Illustraties: Nee

Hoofdauteur: Robyn Young

Hoofduitgeverij: Hodder & Stoughton

Lees dit ebook op: Android (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Kobo e-reader

Lees dit ebook op: Desktop (Mac en Windows)

Lees dit ebook op: iOS (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Windows (smartphone en tablet)

Studieboek: Nee

EAN: 9781444715132