Your essential pocket guide to HTML and CSS
Where do you turn when you need a quick brush-up on the basics of HTML and CSS programming? You turn to HTML & CSS Essentials For Dummies, of course! This fluff-free book gives you a concise summary of the foundations of front-end web programming. No lengthy explanations, unnecessary review, or endless repetition. Just simple answers to your essential HTML and CSS questions. Perfect as a refresher or as a desk reference to jog your memory, this handy Coding Essentials title makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it.
Looking at simple code examples and explanations Creating impactful content Organizing your files Using multiple style sheets Building interactive features Coding for desktop and mobile Making layouts and styling textThe easy way to brush up on your HTML & CSS programming skills
HTML & CSS Essentials For Dummies is your quick and handy reference to all the core concepts of HTML & CSS—the must-know markup and style languages that make the internet go. This no-nonsense book gets right to the point, eliminating review material, wordy explanations, and fluff. Understand all the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, quickly. Perfect for a brush-up on the basics or as an everyday desk reference on the job, this is the reliable little book you can always turn to for answers.
Get simple explanations of the basic concepts of coding with HTML & CSS Review what you've already learned or pick up essential new skills Create attractive and functional front ends for websites of all kinds Keep this concise reference book handy for jogging your memory as you workThis book is clear and direct, focusing on the key topics you need to know about defining a website's user interface. Great for supplementing classroom learning, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job.