In classic Oriental, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, all disease is seen as disordered elements. Restoring balance to the five (5) elements and the harmonious flow of Chi is at the heart of Chinese medicine.
Find out essential oils to use and how to use them to balance the 5 elements and to restore the flow of chi through the organ meridians.
What you will learn:
The key powers for each of the 5 elements Properties of each of the 5 elements Associated Body parts Associated chakras Actions associated with each of the 5 elements Signs of balance and imbalance Keywords associated with each element Related physical and emotional symptoms of stagnation and blockage. Essential oils to use to balance each of the 5 elements and organ meridians. Any safety cautions for each essential oil. How to use essential oils - the best methods of application to use for balancing the 5 elements and organ meridians. How to select your oils for getting desired therapeutic oils. Adaptogenic Oils
The 'super' essential oils to use for each of the 5 elements and organ meridians. These essential oils are adaptogenic, meaning they have a regulating effect and will help increase or decrease the action of an element and the flow of chi in an organ meridian as needed.