The study of a new language is a fascinating and rewarding process, but at the same time, complex and, frequently, time consuming. Considering this, this work is thought to make the study of the vocabulary and the grammar of the Spanish and or French language much more familiar and effective.
This book covers the necessity of many students of any of these two languages of having abundant examples, comparatives and progressives, that allow them to expand the vocabulary, learn grammatical rules and resolve doubts in a fast and practical way. The proposed method is the presentation of numerous phrases in Spanish and French, in different grammatical modes, and translated to English. This work can be used as complement material to the progressive study of any of the languages treated, or as a quick reference.
The knowledge and correct use of verbs is the central element for the learning and use of any language. For this reason, along with the use of an extensive vocabulary, and multiple prepositions and question words, this work shows, through its different units, the different grammatical categories in the use of verbs, as person, number, tense and mood.
The book presents 250 sets of sentences in English with their respective version in Spanish and French, organized in fifteen units, each one dedicated to a different verb form. In each set of sentences, the Spanish version is presented first, followed by the English version, as a reference, and next, the French version, in italic. In order to facilitate the recognition and reading of each set of sentences, the first sentence of each group, in Spanish, is highlighted in bold. The phrases are complemented with explanatory notes.
This work also includes solved exercises, a bibliography with a list of works consulted and recommended, an appendix with the conjugation of some main verbs, and a second appendix with the firsts cardinal numbers in Spanish and French.