A large number of papers have been published attempting to give some analytical basis for the performance of Turbo-codes. It has been shown that performance improves with increased interleaver length. Also procedures have been given to pick the best constituent recursive systematic convolutional codes (RSCC's). However testing by computer simulation is still required to verify these results. This thesis begins by describing the encoding and decoding schemes used. Next simulation results on several memory 4 RSCC's are shown. It is found that the best BER performance at low E(sub b)/N(sub o) is not given by the RSCC's that were found using the analytic techniques given so far. Next the results are given from simulations using a smaller memory RSCC for one of the constituent encoders. Significant reduction in decoding complexity is obtained with minimal loss in performance. Simulation results are then given for a rate 1/3 Turbo-code with the result that this code performed as well as a rate 1/2 Turbo-code as measured by the distance from their respective Shannon limits. Finally the results of simulations where an inaccurate noise variance measurement was used are given. From this it was observed that Turbo-decoding is fairly stable with regard to noise variance measurement.