
The grace awakening

Foto: The grace awakening
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 11.72
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In this best-selling classic, Charles Swindoll urges you not to miss living a grace-filled life. Freedom and joy-not lists and demands and duties-await all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Find freedom for your soul and joy for your spirit when you discover the secret of a living a grace-filled life.

Have we forgotten the meaning of grace? Preachers preach it. Teachers teach it. Theologians analyze it. Then we forget about it.

In The Grace Awakening author and trusted pastor Chuck Swindoll calls you (and all Christians) to wake up and reject living in a legalistic, performance-oriented bondage. He says, "Bound and shackled by legalists' lists of do's and don'ts, intimidated and immobilized by others' demands and expectations, far too many in God's family merely exist in the tight radius of bondage, dictated by those who have appointed themselves our judge and jury." But, the God of the universe has given you, and every other Christian, the amazing, revolutionary gift of grace and freedom. This freedom and grace sets Christianity apart from every other "religion" on the face of the earth.

With his characteristic style and gentle authority, Swindoll disarms the counterattack of those who do not preach grace-filled living and claim that focusing on grace would fill our churches with wild, undisciplined people with no godliness in evidence. Yes, Swindoll says, teaching and preaching grace is risky. Some may push the limits and misuse their freedom. But grace is the message of the gospel...the good news of salvation. As Christians, we sing about God's amazing grace. We understand that we are saved by grace. Let's learn to live by grace!

In this best-selling classic, Chuck Swindoll urges you not to miss living a grace-filled life. Freedom and joy - not lists and demands and duties - await all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Grace Awakening will help you begin your journey toward grace-filled living.

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The grace awakening called all christians to wake up and reject living in such legalistic performance oriented bondage the god of the universe has given us an amazing revolutionary gift of grace and freedom this freedom and grace set us apart from every other religion on the face of the earth Direct beschikbaar .. MEER INFO

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Dit moet en dat mag niet waarom wordt het christen zijn zo vaak verward met regels en wetjes kerken en christenen hebben uit het oog verloren dat christen zijn een kwestie van genade is zegt charles swindoll maar wie predikt dat god genadig is neemt een risico mensen kunnen het uitleggen Uiterlijk 5 maart in huis .. MEER INFO

Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: Paperback

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 24 oktober 2006

Aantal pagina's: 306

Illustraties: Nee

Hoofdauteur: Charles R. Swindoll

Hoofduitgeverij: Thomas Nelson Publishers

Originele titel: The Grace Awakening Workbook

Extra groot lettertype: Nee

Product breedte: 178 mm

Product hoogte: 25 mm

Product lengte: 210 mm

Studieboek: Ja

Verpakking breedte: 139 mm

Verpakking hoogte: 26 mm

Verpakking lengte: 212 mm

Verpakkingsgewicht: 637 g

EAN: 9780849911880