
Hebrew myths

Foto: Hebrew myths
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 17.99
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The I, Claudius author’s “lightning sharp interpretations and insights . . . are here brought to bear with equal effectiveness on the Book of Genesis” (Kirkus Reviews).

This is a comprehensive look at the stories that make up the Old Testament and the Jewish religion, including the folk tales, apocryphal texts, midrashes, and other little-known documents that the Old Testament and the Torah do not include. In this exhaustive study, Robert Graves provides a fascinating account of pre-Biblical texts that have been censored, suppressed, and hidden for centuries, and which now emerge to give us a clearer view of Hebrew myth and religion than ever.

Venerable classicist and historian Robert Graves recounts the ancient Hebrew stories, both obscure and familiar, with a rich sense of storytelling, culture, and spirituality. This book is sure to be riveting to students of Jewish or Judeo-Christian history, culture, and religion.

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Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: E-book

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 15 mei 2014

Ebook Formaat: Adobe ePub

Hoofdauteur: Robert Graves

Tweede Auteur: Raphael Patai

Hoofduitgeverij: Rosettabooks

Lees dit ebook op: Android (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Kobo e-reader

Lees dit ebook op: Desktop (Mac en Windows)

Lees dit ebook op: iOS (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Windows (smartphone en tablet)

Studieboek: Ja

EAN: 9780795337154