Anime After Hours is a collection of fun, sexy, satiric takes on the tropes and types found in Japanese anime. Each collection of short stories plays in a universe that will seem familiar to any fan, but is charged up for everyone to enjoy.
In this story, Jina Tassei can make any plant grow at will, but it's her social life that's dead. Enter Kalien Tay, a green-haired empath who lives for a good time. Can she coax Jina out of her greenhouse in space or will she have to feel out another way to make her bloom?
Who the heck is Battlenova Go Force?
A band of teenagers were recruited while still in high school and given special powers and weapons by the Yasuragi - a peaceful, wise, yet attractive-in-an-androgynous-kind-of-way that-makes-you-question-your-sexuality alien race - to become Battlenova Go Force! Battlenova fought not only the invading evil empire of the Ravager Order, but also their own raging hormones and often each other. (Seriously, giving teenagers powerful mecha robots and techno-magical abilities resulted in a lot of property damaging, extra drama.)
It took years for victory to be achieved with the collapse of the Ravager Order in the Buraburabura Conflict and Battlenova Go Force had many, MANY other adventures as well (so many that there are those who call into question what really happened and what didn't). Now they are adults. While there are still menaces to be defeated, the Ravagers' final bosses have been fought, the world is saved, and all of that simmering sexual tension between men, women, aliens, and alien hybrids can't be ignored any longer!
(Roll Credits)
Warning: This story contains graphic sex and is intended for adults 18 and over. Everyone in Anime After Hours is well over the age of 18, even though sometimes people still refuse to sell alcohol to Hirou Shujinkou, the reckless hero of Battlenova Go Force, unless he shows a picture ID.