Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, Second Edition provides an integrated look at major atmospheric disasters that have had, and continue to have, major implications for many of the world's people, such as floods and droughts. This new edition takes a geoscientific approach to the topic, while also covering current thinking about some directly relevant social scientific issues that can affect lives and property. This new edition showcases both academic and applied research for developed and developing countries, allowing readers to see the most updated flood and drought modelling research and their applications in the real world, including for humanitarian emergency purposes.
The book also contains new insights about how climate change affects hazardous processes. For the first time, information on the many diverse topics relevant to professionals is aggregated into one volume.
Provides a cutting-edge discussion on natural hazard topics that affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of humans worldwide Includes numerous full-color tables, GIS maps, diagrams, illustrations and photographs of hazardous processes in action Provides case studies of prominent hazards and disasters