
Three complete novels

Foto: Three complete novels
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 17.36
Rating: 0/5
Uiterlijk 14 maart in huis



Here, in one volume, are three major novels by the Marquis de Sade, including the only authentic and complete British edition of his most famous work JUSTINE: one of his most daring works, PHILOSOPHY IN THE BEDROOM: and the eighteenth-century masterpiece, EUGENIE DE FRANVAL.

Here, in one volume, are three major novels by the Marquis de Sade, including the only authentic and complete British edition of his most famous work JUSTINE: one of his most daring works, PHILOSOPHY IN THE BEDROOM: and the eighteenth-century masterpiece, EUGENIE DE FRANVAL. Also included is Sade's famous DIALOGUE BETWEEN A PRIEST AND A DYING MAN, a selection from his letters, a fifty-page chronology of his life, two important essays on Sade, and a bibliography of his work.

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The name of the marquis de sade is synonymous with the blackest corners of the human soul a byword for all that is foulest in human conduct in his bleak claustrophobic universe there is no god no morality no human affection and no hope power is given to the strong and the strong are murdere Uiterlijk 14 maart in huis .. MEER INFO

De 120 dagen van Sodom
Rating: 4 / 5 | Prijs: 14.99
Het omstreden meesterwerk van d a f de sade 1740 1814 is eindelijk weer beschikbaar van de nederlandse vertaling door hans warren werden al zo n honderdduizend exemplaren verkocht de beruchtste lockdown uit de wereldliteratuur tranen van bloed huilde markies de sade toen hij zijn leven Direct beschikbaar .. MEER INFO

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Who but the marquis de sade would write not of the pain tragedy and joy of love but of its crimes murder seduction and incest are among the cruel rewards for selfless love in his stories tragedy despair and death the inevitable outcome this new selection includes an essay on novels sade Uiterlijk 14 maart in huis .. MEER INFO

Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: Paperback

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 05 september 1991

Aantal pagina's: 784

Illustraties: Nee

Hoofdauteur: Marquis De Sade

Tweede Auteur: Marquis De Sade

Hoofduitgeverij: Arrow Books Ltd

Product breedte: 129 mm

Product hoogte: 32 mm

Product lengte: 198 mm

Studieboek: Nee

Verpakking breedte: 131 mm

Verpakking hoogte: 40 mm

Verpakking lengte: 197 mm

Verpakkingsgewicht: 536 g

EAN: 9780099821601