Ernest Bramah's 'Four Max Carrados Detective Stories' is a collection of gripping short stories featuring the eponymous detective, Max Carrados, who solves cases using his remarkable deductive abilities despite being blind. The stories are crafted in a subtle and intricate manner, showcasing Bramah's skill in creating perplexing mysteries with unexpected twists. Set in early 20th-century England, the book highlights the societal changes and challenges of the time, making it a valuable insight into the period's detective fiction. Bramah's clever use of irony and wit adds depth to the narratives, engaging readers with each intricate puzzle. Ernest Bramah, known for his popular Kai Lung fantasy series, drew inspiration for Max Carrados from his interest in the detective genre and his fascination with the capabilities of the blind. His personal experiences and observations inform the character of Carrados, reflecting Bramah's admiration for individuals who overcome physical limitations to achieve greatness. I highly recommend 'Four Max Carrados Detective Stories' to readers who appreciate classic detective fiction with a unique twist. Bramah's masterful storytelling and Carrados' unconventional methods make this collection a delightful and thought-provoking read for fans of the genre.