Shutdown follows lockdown, and quarantine and home office have become the global standard to contain the Corona virus. However, there is another way to save lives while not further damaging the economy. Unfortunately, only hospitals are involved in Covid-19 care. That should definitely change. Family doctors could also help contain the pandemic!
The author was infected with the Corona virus herself in 2020.
During the course of her illness, which was diagnosed as a "flu-like infection," unexpected and threatening problems arose.
It was impossible to get a doctor's appointment and hospitals were overloaded!
Growing up in a family with an above-average medical staff, she had acquired medical knowledge on every possible occasion since childhood.
She treated herself ...
Any family doctor could do this kind of treatment!
Political and medical decisions are approached.
The entire course of the disease and also the events that were taking place in Germany, Europe and worldwide at the time are recounted in a loose narrative style.
The book is available in several languages!
German: Hallo Mediziner, Politiker und andere...
Francais: Chers médecins, politiciens et autres...
Espanol: Hola médicos, políticos y otros...