This handbook is a continuation of Handbook of Amonian Magick, and if you have a copy of that, you will find new Spells and Rituals of Amonian Magic. If not, here is some information . . .
This book contains the following spells/rituals:
Ritual to Master Magick
Amonian Magick Spell to Dispel Boredom and Despair
Ritual to Communicate with the Spirit World
Amonian Magick Spell to Move to a New Home
Ritual to Influence the General Public
Ritual to Make Women Notice You
The Spirit Amon holds the rank of Marquis. He is very important and has great power. He appears as a wolf with the head of a serpent, which breathes fire. He does, however, assume a human shape when requested by the sorcerer. In this form he has been seen as a man with dog’s teeth and the head of a raven. His primary office is to reveal secrets of the past and future, and cause love between enemies. He can, however, help in many other ways.
For example, the Spirit Amon can help you to invoke spirit helpers, guides, or communicate with the ethereal world. Amon is aligned with the moon, and one of the controlling subjects of the Luna disc is spirits. And as you begin your journey into the supernatural world of communicating with spirits, know that more people have been to think or act in a certain way without their knowledge than by any amount of logic or common sense on their part.