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Foto: The prisoners dilemma

The prisoners dilemma.

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Books boeken nicola lacey cambridge university press paperback 2008: Over the last two decades and in the wake of increases in recorded crime and other social changes British criminal justice policy has become increasingly politicised as an index of governments competence. New and worrying developments such as the inexorable rise of the US prison population and the rising force of penal severity seem unstoppable in the face of popular anxiety about crime.

But is this inevitable. Nicola Lacey argues that harsh penal populism is not the inevitable fate of all contemporary democracies.

Notwithstanding a degree of convergence globalisation has left many of the key institutional differences between national systems intact and these help to explain the striking differences in the capacity for penal tolerance in otherwise relatively similar societies. Only by understanding the institutional preconditions for a tolerant criminal justice system can we think clearly about the possible options for reform within particular systems.


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Foto: Critical issues in crime and society   the ex prisoners dilemma

Prijs: 33.35

Critical issues in crime and society the ex prisoners dilemma.

BOOKS - Boeken - Andrea M. Leverentz: 2014 Choice Outstanding Academic Title When a woman leaves prison she enters a world of competing messages and conflicting advice. Staff from prison friends family members workers at halfway houses and treatment programs all have something to say about who she is who she should be and what she should do. The Ex-Prisoners Dilemma offers an in-depth firsthand look at how the former prisoner man .... Meer info..

Foto: Sobering dilemma

Prijs: 14.73

Sobering dilemma.

BOOKS - Boeken - Douglas L. Hamilton: This fascinating history of alcohol consumption in British Columbia focuses on two periods of harsh liquor prohibitions. first on its Native population from 1854 to 1962 and second on the entire population during the 1917 to 1921 period. Using formerly closed police files Douglas Hamilton traces the scandals corruption and crime that resulted from the implementation of prohibition. Includes a .... Meer info..

Foto: Het monothestisch dilemma

Prijs: 7.90

Het monothestisch dilemma.

BOOKS - Boeken - P.B. Cliteur: In Het monothestisch dilemma werpt Paul Cliteur de vraag op wat de relatie is tussen religie en geweld. Het Isralisch-Palestijns conflict wordt steeds meer gezien als een strijd om religieus gefundeerde claims op land. In de Verenigde Staten is onlangs de moordenaar van een abortusarts veroordeeld. En op vlucht 253 van Northwest Airlines van Amsterdam naar Detroit werd tijdens Kerstmis 2009 e .... Meer info..

Foto: Medical care of prisoners and detainees

Prijs: 11.50

Medical care of prisoners and detainees.

BOOKS - Boeken -: Medical care of prisoners and detainees .... Meer info..

Foto: Prisoners of geography

Prijs: 9.99

Prisoners of geography.

BOOKS - Boeken - Tim Marshall: The INTERNATIONAL AND SUNDAY TIMES bestseller All leaders are constrained by geography. their choices are limited by mountains rivers seas and concrete. Yes to understand world events you need to understand people ideas and movements. . . but if you dont know geography youll never have the full picture. To understand Putins actions for example it is essential to consider that to be a world p .... Meer info..

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