
Cleopatra s daughter

Foto: Cleopatra s daughter
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 3.99
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At the dawn of the Roman Empire, when tyranny ruled, a daughter of Egypt and a son of Rome found each other . . .

Selene's legendary parents are gone. Her country taken, she has been brought to the city of Rome in chains, with only her twin brother, Alexander, to remind her of home and all she once had.

Living under the watchful eyes of the ruling family, Selene and her brother must quickly learn how to be Roman - and how to be useful to Caesar. She puts her artistry to work, in the hope of staying alive and being allowed to return to Egypt. Before long, however, she is distracted by the young and handsome heir to the empire...

When the elusive 'Red Eagle' starts calling for the end of slavery, Selene and Alexander are in grave danger. Will this mysterious figure bring their liberation, or their demise?

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When nefertari s entire family is killed in a fire she s left to grow up alone a spare princess in the palace of the new pharaoh her young life is overshadowed by the past the name of her infamous aunt nefertiti the heretic queen still strikes terror into the hearts of egyptians so when sh Direct beschikbaar .. MEER INFO

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Fast paced and historically accurate nefertiti is the dramatic story of two unforgettable women living through a remarkable period in history nefertiti and her younger sister mutnodjmet have been raised in a powerful family that has provided wives to the rulers of egypt for centuries ambitious Uiterlijk 15 maart in huis .. MEER INFO

Product specificaties:

Taal: en

Bindwijze: E-book

Oorspronkelijke releasedatum: 01 april 2010

Aantal pagina's: 449

Ebook Formaat: Adobe ePub

Illustraties: Nee

Hoofdauteur: Michelle Moran

Hoofduitgeverij: Quercus

Lees dit ebook op: Android (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Kobo e-reader

Lees dit ebook op: Desktop (Mac en Windows)

Lees dit ebook op: iOS (smartphone en tablet)

Lees dit ebook op: Windows (smartphone en tablet)

Editie: 1

Extra groot lettertype: Nee

Studieboek: Nee

EAN: 9781849166409