
Factor l handbook of the new medicine the truth about dr hamer s discoveries

Foto: Factor l handbook of the new medicine the truth about dr hamer s discoveries
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 38.99
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People who get to know and understand the New Medicine according to Dr. Hamer often have a similar feeling blind people must have when they can suddenly see. Things fall into the right place and become clear and coherent. Comprehensible biological laws replace the "potentially," "probably,"or "possibly" you oftentimes heard from the doctors. Yet, the New Medicine isn't simple. The deeper you get into the matter, the more complicated appears the investigative search for the conflicts. And it gets even more complicated when it comes to resolving these conflicts.Is it actually recommendable to always and at any rate resolve every single conflict? How do we resolve conflicts? And what happens if we can't resolve them? This book will help you find the answers to these questions. In addition to a detailed introduction to the New Medicine, you will find 21 short stories based on authentic experiences, explaining conflicts and the respective resolutions. Finally, a glossary of terms related to the New Medicine completes this compact and helpful handbook.

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