
Anton bruckner

Foto: Anton bruckner
Rubriek: Textual/Printed/Reference Materials - Boek
Prijs: 37.3
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While unappreciated and controversial during most of his life, Anton Bruckner is today regarded as the greatest symphonist between Beethoven and Gustav Mahler – in terms of originality, boldness and monumentality of his music. The image of Bruckner the man, however, is still extreme instance of the tenacious power of prejudice.

While unappreciated and controversial during most of his life, Anton Bruckner is today regarded as the greatest symphonist between Beethoven and Gustav Mahler – in terms of originality, boldness and monumentality of his music. The image of Bruckner the man, however, is still extreme instance of the tenacious power of prejudice. No less a figure than Gustav Mahler coined the aperçu about Bruckner being «a simpleton – half genius, half imbecile». The author is out to correct that misperception. His thesis in this study is that contrary to what has hitherto been asserted, there is an intimate relation between Bruckner’s sacred music and his symphonies from multiple perspectives: biographical data, sources and influences, the psychology of creation, musical structure, contemporary testimony and reception history. Additional chapters assess important Bruckner recordings and interpreters and the progressiveness of his music.

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De levensloop en muzikale carri re van de ook thans nog omstreden componist anton bruckner behoren tot de merkwaardigste uit de muziekgeschiedenis van jongs af een virtuoos organist en improvisator zag hij componeren als zijn voornaamste roeping maar door een chronisch gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen Op voorraad. Voor 15:00 uur besteld, morgen in huis .. MEER INFO

Cambridge Companion To Bruckner
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Sixteen essays provide an introduction to bruckner s life and works in all genres this companion provides an overview of the composer anton bruckner 1824 1896 sixteen chapters by leading scholars investigate aspects of his life and works and consider the manner in which critical appreciation ha 2 - 3 weken .. MEER INFO