Are you interested in hydroponic gardening and you want to learn more about the subject? If yes, then keep reading!
Hydroponics means the cultivation of plants in water. The water is enriched with nutrients. This allows very efficient and sustainable production of high-quality vegetables as well as high-quality fruits and herbs. Today, hydroponic plant breeding is seen as a future problem solver for the global food crisis caused by the increasing world population and climate change. Hydroculture is nothing more than plants without soil. The plants grow exclusively in expanded clay. Expanded clay does not store water or nutrients. The plants grow from the beginning in expanded clay. Although it is possible to transplant soil plants into hydroponic plants, it is usually not practicable because the plants need a long time to get used to, and success is not guaranteed.
This book covers:
Tips and Tricks for Hydroponics
Maintaining A Hydroponics System
Types of Hydroponics Systems
Best Plants for Hydroponics
Organic Gardening
Hydroponics Gardening Equipment
Advantages, Disadvantages, And Precautions of Hydroponics
And Much More
The care of the original hydroponic culture is facilitated conditionally by the system. The water level gauge usually has three levels, minimum, optimum, and maximum, to ensure optimal, plant-specific care. Of course, as in standard houseplants, the watering intervals of hydro plants vary depending on the pitch, the pot size, and the plant itself. The cleaning of plants, removing dead leaves or parts of plants, and the regular pruning and control of animal and fungal infestation should be consistent, respectively.
Plants can build up almost out of nowhere. A bit of water, light, air, and earth seem to be enough to make a small seed to grow a whole shrub.
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